Our Shelter partners
Rescue Partner: We are an approved rescue with Animal Care and Control Team (ACCT), Philadelphia's only open-intake shelter. We are a foster-based rescue organization and we save lives directly from ACCT. Fostering a dog saves two lives: the dog we will rescue to safety, and the dog that can take that dog’s place at the shelter. We couldn’t save lives without the generosity of our supporters/donors and the warm homes of our fosters. To learn more about how you can get involved by providing temporary foster care for one of our canine running buddies check out out more information about fostering.
Shelter Partners: We are proud to partner with Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) and Street Tails Animal Rescue for our group runs. On a monthly basis, Milers visit the shelters to give the dogs a special running adventure. We also work with both shelters to network within the running community to find active, loving homes for our canine running partners while they’re at the shelter.